Friday, October 3, 2008

So it's been over a week...

So everything's been pretty average around here. Work has been really hectic because our owner cut back hours, and people keep calling in "sick". Lame.
So in other news school has been going well. In linguistics (Paul De Decker is the prof, its weird he's never even been to Newfoundland before now and he's teaching this course... he'd never heard the word b'y until I said it in the first lecture) our first assignment was to "overhear" peoples conversations and write down things that stand out... like pronounciations, or words in general. I did pretty well considering I get the bus, and I got a ton of examples.
Other than that... oh I'm sick of people campaigning the federal election at school. I can't count the number of times someone has stopped me in the hall and say "Do you have a minute so I can explain to you all the great things the X party is going to do for students in Canada?" It was fine the first time, considering I don't usually keep up on party platforms, but omg, everyday is just getting annoying. Not to mention, then I go to work, and customers are talking about it. ahh. I know the election is important, but I can't wait for this to be over. I feel bad for Americans who have to deal with it for like a year, we only have to listen to the bull for a month or so and I'm already sick of it.

Oh so I was on my friends journal and he found a screen shot of Yahoo Answers back when Russia was fighting with Georgia. I almost died at the stupidy of people. argh.
This almost ended my life.

Well thats all for now. Hopefully I'll have most of tomorrow afternoon to put up more pictures.
Later Gator! :)

loves and misses.
Jessi (Birthday in 21 days!)


AdamFireFist said...

Ah, I saw that thing a while ago, but I only just now realized that the question is from "Jessica B." Those are some quality LOLlerskates.

AdamFireFist said...

Dear Ms Hunt,
This comment is to inform you that your website is being placed on notice as a possible recipient of the Official "Dead to Me" Condemnation. Kindly bring your 'weblog' up to date to avoid this unpleasant distinction.
Nini Commandshift, assistant to Mr Hunt

AdamFireFist said...

Your website is officially boring now. Please improve it in some way.

AdamFireFist said...

I'm just going to continue whining until you remember you have a website and check it.

AdamFireFist said...

Blog continuing to fail. Boring.

AdamFireFist said...

Failure ongoing. Babies crying. Auxiliary verbs missing.

AdamFireFist said...

Dear Santa,

Really, all I want for Christmas is a goddamn post from my little sister on her fucking website so I can know what's going on in her life without having to sign up for some shit-eating Facebook account.

Also, a pony.

And maybe a BB gun.

Your friend,


AdamFireFist said...

I am scratching "jessi sux" into every bench on every subway station that I enter in New York City.

This is a current project of mine.

AdamFireFist said...

I once heard this story about a guy who never updated his website.

You know what they did to him?

They fucked him up.

AdamFireFist said...

Oh, wow! You finally updated your website! AWESOME!


Oh, wait. No you didn't.


AdamFireFist said...

I'm going to make you watch all the Ernest movies.


AdamFireFist said...

Merry Not Updating Your Website!

AdamFireFist said...

I seriously wonder how long it's going to be until you see these.

AdamFireFist said...

I got Katie a Hello Kitty tank top for Christmas, but it was too small. I should not be allowed to buy clothes for girls.

AdamFireFist said...

I made a delicious supper last night, consisting of chicken fried rice, celery, red pepper and chicken in a coconut milk peanut sauce.


AdamFireFist said...

The water cooler here at work is empty, but my boss is being chaep and won't get more water. That's horseshit.

AdamFireFist said...

Gran Torino was pretty good, but the Hmong actors were young and untalented.

AdamFireFist said...

It's gonna get cold in New York tomorrow. Almost as cold as this comments section.

AdamFireFist said...

Well, there you have it. I had to leave a smarmy comment on facebook in order to get you to come see all the smarmy comments I left here.

I wonder if you'll even see these now.

Probably not.

AdamFireFist said...

Oh my god, you didn't even take the hint.

Jessica, Jessica....

AdamFireFist said...

I think the weirdest thing I ever saw on the internet was the Transformers: Beast Wars gay fan fiction I randomly stumbled upon one day while looking up information about Starscream.

AdamFireFist said...

I'm starting to suspect that you may be a Cylon.

AdamFireFist said...

You know what we do to Cylons, don't you?

AdamFireFist said...

We put them out the airlock.

AdamFireFist said...

So, today I had spaghetti with a creamy pesto sauce and chicken for lunch. It was delicious.

AdamFireFist said...

Five months. Jesus, Jessica. Lay off the facebook and make something real.

AdamFireFist said...

Oh, heavens. You're going to get some shock when I come home in August and point all these comments out to you.

AdamFireFist said...

Started playing Spore. It is fun. You are still neglecting your blawg.

AdamFireFist said...

It's almost Christmas. Again.
Can you believe that I've been secretly haunting your website for over a year now? How fucking creepy is that?

AdamFireFist said...

I'm really enjoying the games you guys sent for Christmas.

AdamFireFist said...

Today they're calling for a brief period of rain in the afternoon.

AdamFireFist said...

I'm babysitting a little girl named Winnie. She's mega-cute.